Experts in Thai translation
Resolving ‘language’ issues is essential for smooth business operations in Thailand.
In TJ Prannarai Communication Ltd,
We have a wide range of experts in the field of language,
We offer a highly specialised and attentive service.
TJ Prannarai’s three-level Quality Assurance System
TJ Prannarai has established a three-stage quality assurance system
We provide our customers with translations of reliable quality.
Step 1 Translation
By our language experts specializing not only in languages but also in the specific technical subject.
Step 2 Cross-checking
Revision comparing the original and translated documents word by word. Consistent wording.
Step 3 Proofreading
Proofreading to the appropriate writing style according to usage.
Quality assurance through after-sales service
Even after delivery, e.g. modifications to accurately accommodate in-house language and terminology,
This is provided as an after-sales service.